





Hey there, I'm Ahkvenir! The weird big titty dragony thingy!

This site is a place for me to share my artwork, develop my worldbuilding project, and write about various things.

In my setting, Ahkvenir is a 25-year-old Avalonian herm who is heir to the Avalonian throne. A pretty big deal, and a role she's not exactly comfortable with...

"Hold up, did you just say herm?"
Yes I did! Ahkvenir is simultaneously male and female. Both parts are present and work as intended, just like snails and plants.
I wear the label "herm" with pride.

Here's some things about the IRL me:

  • Trans to herm, slowly stepping out of the closet
  • Lifelong Mainer
  • Former pilot
  • Forest lover, suburb hater
  • Amateur mountain climber
  • Astronomy nerd
  • Nuclear energy enjoyer
  • Working class by choice
  • Retro tech enthusiast
  • Wishes she was born 10 years earlier

Thanks for visiting!

always under construction