Welcome to my worldbuilding project!
My project is set 44 million years into the future, long after the end of humanity. The Earth's biosphere has recovered from the Holocene extinction, and many new species are now evolving sapience. But is this new young civilization fated to follow the same dark path as their predecessors?
So far I've made a chart of the Solar System, which you can view in full res by clicking the image:
Here's some of the major changes:
- The Sun has become 0.5% brighter
- Human-induced climate change melted all of Earth's glaciers, climate has stabilized at a warmer state
- The Moon has drifted slightly farther away due to tidal acceleration
- Earth's day has become 12 minutes longer for the same reason
- Phobos's orbit has decayed, collapsing it into a thin ring system due to tidal stresses
- Jupiter's Great Red Spot is gone. RIP
- Hyperion's orbit destabilized, resulting in a major collision with Rhea
- Titan's haze layer has thinned out, allowing Saturn to be visible from its surface
That's all for now... but I will have a map of Earth done Soon(tm)!